But I beg the question: "Where is that thunderous voice of compassion towards manmade, and totally preventable tragedies?"
Here is how I see it:
1. A hurricane, an earthquake, anything to do with mother nature generally is not preventable. Usually, mother nature cannot be stopped. Therefore, these are natural tragedies.
2. Sex trafficking, child soldiers, among other things, are manmade tragedies. Meaning, that this was started by humans, and is controlled by humans. Thus, it is a manmade tragedy.
The wars in Uganda, Darfur, Congo, where child soldiers are aptly involved, has been going on for years. In relative terms, it has been fairly recently that people in the USA have started to pay attention to what is going on over there, with the help of groups such as Save Darfur, Invisible Children, and Falling Whistles.

What totally blows my mind, is that what is going on in those countries is TOTALLY preventable. What is going on there could be solved, could be prevented, could be fought against. So why does no one care? Why do people suddenly get up in arms for something awful that nature did, but the same millions that help out those causes, remain completely apathetic towards the atrocities that are happening in those countries. Preventable atrocities.
I fail to understand why children who are forced to kill each other, are forced to watch their own mothers and sisters be raped, are forced to do terrible, terrible things, deserve less attention than a natural tragedy.
I fail to understand why children who are stolen from their homes and forced into the world of sex trafficking are less important than the children people try so hard to help when mother nature rears its unforgiving head.
How can people pay so little attention to these horrible,
Horrible events in the world?
Is it because they are not in the headlines?
Is it because so many people refuse to educate themselves
On these heartbreaking, totally preventable tragedies?
someone please explain this to me.
There's a way of thinking out there that all people are perfect. I literally had someone tell me that Christianity is sad because it makes people feel like something is wrong with them when there's nothing wrong with anyone, we are all perfectly human and perfect in our own way. They said we can't make mistakes because everything happens for a reason and blah blah blah. People like that would rather turn a blind eye to the terrible man-made things in the world, because they would have to admit that maybe their way of thinking is wrong. So just remain ignorant, if I don't know about it then it can't hurt me or my way of thinking!
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, when it's a natural disaster, those same people can say "If God is real then where is he? God allowed this to happen, it's our fault to fix it." You know, since people are perfect. All that being said, I think it makes people feel better to imagine a world where people aren't capable of such evil, so they'd rather remain ignorant and apathetic than have it affect their hearts and way of thinking. :o(
I don't believe it is from lake of caring or ignorance that people don't work harder to prevent other people from making others suffer. There are many different cultures and beliefs, and in the world we live in, some people have more power than others and some desire more power than others and have different ways of using it. Some of these 'man-made disasters' are caused by other people, some of which may rather shoot you than listen to you try to give them a lecture. Simply put, lack of ability to convince them to want to do what you want/not do what you dont want is a social issue rather than that of a natural disaster. In a natural disaster there is generally less direct opposition to efforts to help people, thus a much safer place to contribute. When resources (time, money, food, energy, medical supplies, etc..) are limited, we as people trying to do 'good' would generally would try to focus those resources where it will do the most good. This is not to say people ignore or be ignorant of other disasters that are potentially 'man-made' but rather it is more dangerous and expensive to go to Darfur and try to help there than it would be to go to Haiti. How much heaven do you think you can bring to earth when you are in heaven? My point is we aren't here for that long, good people will try to do the most good they know how to as sustainably and effectively as they know how. Not much sense getting too upset about something you can't do anything about.
ReplyDeleteYou get what you give. Peace out!